Terms of Use

Before a user can interact with this website or any other platform maintained by Check Celebrity, the user must review and ensure compliance with the below Terms of Use. By interacting with the provided content, whether by viewing, downloading, or otherwise accessing a Check Celebrity platform, a user agrees to the below-outlined terms. If a user does not wish to be bound by the below terms, they should not make use or otherwise interact with the Check Celebrity platform. The Terms of Use are as follows:

  1. A user may come across links to third-party sites, advertisers, and other third-party content while browsing Check Celebrity. Check Celebrity is not represented by these third-parties, nor do they endorse the content found via the external links. Check Celebrity is also not responsible for any content found on these third-party websites, along with any information that the third-party may or may not collect. Any interaction between a user and a third-party found via Check Celebrity is the business of the user and the respective third-party. Check Celebrity is not responsible for loss or damages accrued by the user when visiting or using a website or service offered by the third-party, even if the user discovered that third-party via Check Celebrity.
  2. Check Celebrity features profiles of celebrities, though, the information featured is for informational purposes only. The presence of a celebrity profile does not mean that the individual has endorsed Check Celebrity to feature them on their platform, nor the information featured. Following on from that, Check Celebrity does not endorse a celebrity, despite them featuring on the platform.
  3. Check Celebrity does not take responsibility for any inaccuracies found with the celebrity information featured on the platform. Check Celebrity absolves themselves from any liability due to errors found on the platform, to the extent that the law allows. However, Check Celebrity actively encourages that users, celebrities, and representatives of celebrities contact the platform if they find a potential error on the Check Celebrity platform.
  4. Check Celebrity welcomes any profiled celebrity or representative of that celebrity to submit a profile removal request.
  5. All images featured on Check Celebrity get published with permission.  Check Celebrity uses both licensed and publically available images and ensures always to remain compliant with applicable licensing laws. If a user, celebrity, or representative of a celebrity is concerned with a particular image, they should reach out to Check Celebrity directly.
  6. Check Celebrity uses user data to assess a celebrity’s current popularity and then ranks the celebrity profiles accordingly. The popularity rankings are complied by and the property of Check Celebrity. Thus the ranking is not to be used by another party without the express consent of Check Celebrity.
  7. Check Celebrity consists of various copyrighted information, including, but not limited to, images, video, and text. Check Celebrity owns the copyright of the original content along with the enhancement and arrangement of such content. All parties other than Check Celebrity are prohibited from using content published on the Check Celebrity platform.
  8. When a user visits Check Celebrity, they agree that they only use the information for appropriate purposes, remaining in compliance with the law. A user will not use the information found on Check Celebrity to carry out harassment or embarrass an individual. Check Celebrity is purely for informative purposes and thus is not part of a credit consumer reporting agency as per the definition outlined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This means that the information detailed on a Check Celebrity platform cannot get used as part of a consumer report. Additionally, the information found on a Check Celebrity platform should not get used for assessing an individual for employment, assessing an individual for insurance or personal credit, or for evaluating an individual as part of a business transaction.
  9. When an individual or company forwards content to Check Celebrity, which could be in various forms, including text, images, and video, to name a few, they do so while representing that they have all the necessary rights for Check Celebrity to use that content. When Check Celebrity receives content, the provider gives Check Celebrity the following rights: To use that content royalty-free, with a global license to use the content how Check Celebrity deems fit, irrevocably and perpetually. When the information gets submitted via email, via the website, or social media, the provider gives the Check Celebrity the above-outlined rights. When a celebrity or representative provides content for Check Celebrity, they give the same rights as a third-party provider, as per the rights detailed above. The same applies to when a celebrity or representative of a celebrity gives Check Celebrity permission to take content from their social media pages, no matter the form that content takes.
  10. Both a user of Check Celebrity and a featured celebrity agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Check Celebrity against any claims, expenses including attorney fees, damages, and other forms of legal action that come about from the use of the Check Celebrity platform. This extends to owners, employees, agents, and other associated partners of Check Celebrity.
  11. The above-outlined Terms of Use of any Check Celebrity platform, whether website or app, are binding. The terms will inure for the benefit of the associated parties mentioned in the above agreement, along with any successors and assignees.

Compliance With the DMCA

As outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Pub. L. 105-304, Check Celebrity has a specific individual to handle any alleged copyright infringement that occurs on the Check Celebrity platform. If an individual feels Check Celebrity is using their work without the correct copyright permissions, the individual should contact the assigned agents on the contact details below:


A DMCA claim does need to come in written form, and it must include the following information:

  • Either an electronic or physical signature of the individual making the copyright claim. The same applies to a person who is authorized to act on the individual’s behalf.
  • A clear description of the work that is being claimed via a copyright claim.
  • A clear description of the material in breach of copyright on the Check Celebrity site that will allow Check Celebrity to locate the piece in question.
  • Valid contact information of the claimer, so that Check Celebrity can reach out and resolve the claim.
  • A statement by the claimer that outlines the belief that the content used is done so without approval from the copyright owner.
  • A statement by the claimer that they have permission to operate on behalf of the copyright owner while accepting the penalties of perjury if the statement is found the be false.