Celebrities born on the 20th of February
Listed below you can find all the celebrities or famous people born on 20th of February.
Jennifer Harris
Austin Talynn Carpenter
Dewey Foley
Roland Niewoehner
Hannah Swanson
James Thompson
Ernst Griesser
Charlotte Basch
Jordan Hunter
Amanda Hootman
Catriona Lowe
Ray Nicholson
Connor Patrick Griffin
Abhi Sinha
Abby Rose Mark
Oliver Etienne
Heather Paige Cohn
Alexander Kingen
Kevin Edwards
Davvy Glab
Titus Milo Leon
Paco De Rosa
Bubba Lewis
Labrandon Shead
Jasna Fritzi Bauer
Daniella Pineda
Olivia Rodrigo
Alex DeCourville
Harrison Joron
Cortney Palm
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