Ryan Simpkins

Ryan Simpkins Today

Full Original Name: Ryan Elise Simpkins

Known for:
  • actress
  • producer
  • director
Born in: Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Birth date: 28th of March, 1998 ( 1998-03-28)
Age: 26 yrs
Astrological sign: Aries
Height (in inches): 5'6"
Height (in cm): 1.68m
Gender: female
Marriages: 0
Children: no

Ryan Simpkins Summary

Ryan Simpkins is a female actress born in Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA and today she is exactly 26 years old. Her birthday is on the 28th of March and she was born in the year 1998. According to the Western Astrology Zodiac her astrological sign is Aries. Our sources state that Ryan Simpkins today is approximately 5'6" feet or equivalently 1.68m tall as measured in 2021.

Ryan Simpkins is a widely popular actress among other 26 year old celebrities like her, starring in movies and TV shows like Sherrybaby and Mirrors which is why her career, net worth, physical appearance and personal life are of huge interest to the public.

Even though Ryan Simpkins keeps her personal life private, it is known that she has relatives such as brother - Ty Simpkins. Those are just a few of her relatives.

Ryan Simpkins facts:

  • Ryan was named after Nolan Ryan - the baseball player by her dad. Ryan's sibling Ty was named after Ty Cobb a baseball player, additionally by their father.
  • Adopted a Papillon blend in 2007 in LA and named him, "Rufus" after the head of the Broadway show Festen, Rufus Norris.

Ryan Simpkins Social Profiles

Ryan Simpkins's Twitter

Ryan Simpkins's Marriages, husbands, boyfriends and children

Our information states that Ryan Simpkins has been married 0 times and currently today she has no children from her marriages or relationships with other partners.

Below are the officially registered marriages, children and divorces of Ryan Simpkins:

Despite our biorgraphy sources being accurate and trustworthy, there might have been a change in Ryan Simpkins's marital status or another intimate partner of her not listed above.

Ryan Simpkins Movies and TV Shows - Career

Ryan Simpkins is known to have starred in more than 7 movies including the ones listed below. Characters played by Ryan Simpkins are of wide variety. Some of the her notable mentions are:


  • Surveillance
  • Sherrybaby
  • Pride and Glory
  • Mirrors
  • Revolutionary Road
  • A Single Man
  • Brigsby Bear

See also: Seung-ho Yoo or Charley Webb